
Financial Activity for Asset Managers (FAM公司) helps fund managers track money movement within their investment portfolios for variable annuity and life insurance products – empowering them with more data and deeper insights.

FAM公司 is a service offering of 存’s National Securities 清算 Corporation (NSCC) subsidiary

  • 概述

    Since the launch of variable insurance products, asset managers have struggled to understand and identify these complex transactions within their investment portfolios. Current reporting processes fall short often because the data is compiled and provided at the omnibus level on a monthly or quarterly basis. The lack of specific transactional detail and speed of delivery impacts asset managers’ ability to provide control over their wholesaling activities and stay ahead of marketplace demands.

    存 developed FAM公司 to provide asset managers better insight into their daily financial activity plus add a new level of transparency and reporting consistency to their business.

  • 好处

    • Gives asset managers the ability to track money movement within their investment portfolios of variable products.
    • Provides access to specific contract information on a daily basis, versus monthly or quarterly omnibus reporting.
    • Delivers better trend insights regarding investment selection within variable products.
    • 简化流程, eliminating the need to support and maintain manual communications and proprietary transactions.
    • Reduces the risk of errors that can occur with manual data exchange and processing.
    • Helps asset managers reduce time to identify and fairly compensate wholesalers for their activities.
    • Prepares the industry for a fully-standardized future.

  • 服务如何运作

    FAM公司 uses a subset of data from an 现有存 I&RS提供 to track financial transactions within the product sub-accounts that contain the asset managers’ mutual fund investment options, transactions such as new or subsequent premium, 资产的再平衡, full or partial surrenders, 或者死亡索赔. It also identifies the issuing carrier, vnsr威尼斯城官网登入名称, broker-dealer and broker associated with the contract, and dollar value of the transaction. With new data at their disposal, asset managers will be able to track activity and manage their business more effectively.

  • 谁可以使用该服务

    FAM公司 is available to clients who are members of NSCC. 客户端s who are full-service members do not have any additional membership requirements; however, clients with limited mutual fund membership will need to obtain an I&RS 数据服务 Only (DSO) membership to utilize FAM公司.

    点击 在这里 for information on how to become a member of NSCC or DSO member.

  • 了解更多信息

    请电邮至 (电子邮件保护) 或者填写一份 联系我们 form.

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  • 新闻

    Read the latest about 存's FAM公司 service which allows asset managers to track money movement within their investment portfolios of variable products.

  • 法律

    Download legal information about 存's FAM公司 service providing asset managers better insight into their daily financial activity.

  • 客户中心

    Get the record layouts and supporting technical documentation for 存's Financial Activity for Asset Managers service. Don't hesitate to 联系我们 at 1-888-382-2721.



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